Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Feliz Año Nuevo con Bongito!

There we were, finally. Jamie's wet dream ... and maybe mine as well. All we needed was a bit of ocean and some magic tunes.
Try to imagine the following scenery: a beautiful bay (with several lost sea lions) surrounded by some highly picturesque hills. The sun has set recently, but the air still smells like freshly disappeared rays of light. Birds whistling bedtime-lullabies. The sound of waves smashing on the shore. Boom. Tschuck. Phiew. Boom. Tschuck. Phiew. It's creating mellow beat. Here you go, a personalized soundtrack for this romantic night. Could be perfect. In normal circumstances, this would be all it takes.

But tonight is different. The soundtrack will be upgraded. And not by just anyone, the 'one' will do it. Señor Ricardo Villalobos himself flew back to his homeland to be part of the Quinto Sol event (Latin American Musicians Festival). And he did an amazing job. After having been disappointed in the grandmaster back in Berlin, I must admit that skepticism was amongst my prejudicial sentiments. But he took it away with his first track. Well. No subtle intros or calm build-up after (this should be mentioned as well) Rareshs' amazing set, but some truly powerful tunes, marking his entire repertoire. There he was. No doubt about that. Bongo Ricky is back!


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