Friday, February 27, 2009

Italian Love

This turns out to be an Italian themed week. Quarterlife crisis seems provoke constant talking about emotions, character features and the past. Who am I? Why am I like this? Why do I react like this? Etc. After chatting with my friend Steve, who was my first sweetheart, I realized that Italian love apparently is a different kind of caring. This population seems to have some devious definitions with regard to loving. Devious to other people maybe, because in my humble opinion feeding is the most powerful and logical way to show someone you love him or her. What's weird about that?

According to Steve however, if you've ever been in a relationship or had a fling with an Italian woman, this should sound familiar to you...

Italian Girls by John Gorka

I used to fall for Italian girls
They filled my dreams, they made my world
If I had moved less awkwardly
They might have had their way with me

The longer names, the darker hair
They made me weak, they made me stare
I couldn't say a word to them
Their figures so full of vitamins

I wasn't cool, I wasn't bad
I was the only one I ever had
And they posessed the world's delights
Espresso mornings, lasagna nights


Oh, the Italian girls
The Italian girls
They made my world

They were strong and they were proud
Some were sweet and some were loud
They'd fill me up with what they'd cook
And put me down with just one look

I followed them through summertime
I made them laugh, I made them rhymes
But they left me there for other ones
Who had the dough when day was done

Just one thing keep me free
They were not in love with me

Now they've married and gained some weight
But that weight I appreciate
For it's the work of all those meals
And what you eat is what you feel


For the Italian girls
The Italian girls
They made my world

I used to fall for Italian girls
They filled my dreams, they made my world
But passion dies and fades away
Or lives to fight another day

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